Saturday, August 29, 2009

CME project

A. Naadiah
B. 09
C. 30th Aug '09

D. Video 3

1. Suggest the possible options you will do.

Decide not to do

Cheat on the test.
Lie to parents that I'm still sick.
Decide to do
Sit for the test even though I did not study for it.
Tell my parents that I have recovered and am ready for school.

2. What factors do you think would affect your decision?

Decide not to do
Get myself too comfortable at home.
Play the video game too much.
Decide to do
Be honest and admit my mistake.
Don't play too much.

3. What do you think would be the consequences of your decision?

Did not do
I would have failed the test badly.
Probably get punished by school and parents.
Did do
Feeling of guilt is of no more.
Have learnt from my mistake.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

what have you learnt on moments?

I have learnt:
- Describe moment of force in terms of its turning effect and give everyday examples in terms of moments.
-Recall the relationship of force.
( moment= force x perpendicular distance from the pivot.)
-Apply the relationship between moment of a force and perpendicular distance from pivot to new situations or to solve new situations.

Moment of force is the turning of a force about a pivot.
SI unit for force: Nm (newton metre)
Everday examples:
See-saw, opening a door by its handle, turning a nut with a spanner.
There are 2 types of moments:
clockwise, anti-clockwise.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


In 2008, the month of August, the Beijing olympic started .Many countries were involved and all athletes were ready to set off for their game. The athletics showed pride for their country by doing their very best to get a medal.

Excellence is important for athletes because without it we can never do our best in the race.Athletes such as Micheal Phelps prepared himself by eating loads of food. As much as 6 omeletes for his breakfast as he burns about 10 000 calories per day.He showed the value , excellence , in the Olympic Games. Micheal Phelps is a good example of exellence as he tried his best and prepared himself both mentally and physically .He broke the world record by getting 8 gold medals for all the swimming events .He showed excellence by doing his best for every event he took part in . In my opinion, excellence is needed to complete the race .

Another example is , Victor Bush , he shows excellence in completing the race and peservered on even though the day was turning into dawn and almost everyone had left the stadium.He is a disabled person, that's why. Even though everybody had left the place , he still continued the race. He said, "My country sent me here to finish the race not give up on the race."He showed excellence as he tried his best to complete the race despite the pain that he experienced.

I feel very honored to see that Singapore is moving forward. Holding the Youth Olympic Games in 2010 is another step for Singapore to victory after winning the silver medal for table tennis in the Beijing Olympics last year. I have always hoped that Singapore would one day be as famous and successful as America. I think that my hopes are slowly becoming to reality. In my opinion, Singapore is taking baby steps to as successful. Holding the Youth Olympic Games is a very good opportunity for Singapore to become more famous and such. Singapore has taken action to spread its name and Olympic value by making us, students befriend the foreigners from other countries. An example is that the Philipinos had visited on of the chinese school in Sinagpore recently for an exchange programme on YOG. This came out in the papers a few weeks ago. More countries are visting us via schools to spread the Olympic values. I feel that what matters the most is to do our best in whatever we do and pride for our country for the YOG event. May the best man win. :D


Thursday, April 2, 2009

CME proj reflection

In 2008, the month of August, the Beijing olympic started .Many countries were involved and all athletes were ready to set off for their game. The athletics showed pride for their country by doing their very best to get a medal.
Exellence is important for athletes because without it we can never do our best in the race.Athletes such as Micheal Phelps prepared himself by eating loads of food. As much as 6 omeletes for his breakfast as he burns about 10 000 calories per day.He showed the value , exellence , in the Olympic Games. Micheal Phelps is a good example of exellence as he tried his best and prepared himself both mentally and physically .He broke the world record by getting 8 gold medals for all the swimming events .He showed excellence by doing his best for every event he took part in . In my opinion, excellence is needed to complete the race .
Another example is , Victor Bush , he shows exellence in completing the race and peservered on eventhough the daywas turning into dawn and almost everyone had left the stadium.He is a disabled person, that's why. Even though eveybody had left the place , he still continued the race. He said, "My country sent me here to finish the race not give up on the race."He showed exellence as he tried his best to complete the race despite the pain that he experienced.

Friday, March 27, 2009

recent olympics and singapore olympics

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Olympic pictures

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Sexual Education

What I enjoyed most in this chapter?
My classmate's presentation- Its interesting to see their way of making us understand more about this chapter.

What I think I did well in this chapter?
Labeling of parts

What I found difficult or confusing?
Remembering the days and processes in the menstrual cycle.

What i can do to improve?
Go through the notes that my classmates have given.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Maths algebra

What I like most in this chapter?
I like it when we have to solve sums by refering to the formula;
example: (a+b)(a-b)
It makes me think real hard and make my brain think faster.

What I think I did well in this chapter?
Grouping like terms together.

What i found difficult in this chapter?
Quadratic factorisation!

What I can do to improve?
By practicing more on my weaker parts like quadratic factorisation

previous posts

3 things i've learnt is to work well w/ my peers,cooperate w/ my peers and talking is not neccessary to communicate2 things I can apply, Do my work quietly and communicate better w/ my peers.1 thing, I should concentrate more with my target.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009

I learnt what changes when chemicals mixed with each other. Honestly, I enjoy practical lessons because we get to do experiments and its the only time we are in another environment to study in, unlike the classroom. During the experiments, I found it difficult to know what the chemical has changed into because some of the chemicals do not change at all or they take some time to change. I want to learn more about the results of chemical changes because we get to do experiments to find out of so.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 4:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i have learnt quite a lot of thing in maths lesson. In chapter 2.1 I learned to solve algebra question using brackets. At first, I was quite blur but managed to understand after a friend taught me. What I found difficult were the questions that needed to put brackets. I may get a little confused of so. I hope that mr chiang would go slow on questions like that so that I can understand better and not get confused with questions like that. Although algebra is a big topic to study on, I want to learn more on different methods to solve algebra because in that way, if i do not get the right answer I can use another method to help me solve and understand what I am doing.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 4:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009

The maths assignment given last week was rather difficult. My group and I were struggling a little bit with the first question. Finding out what scale to use was the hardest part but we worked it out as a team and finally got the answer. I feel that we worked well as a team and gave each other a helping hand when needed. I think that teamwork is the most important thing we should have when doing a project as a group. Without so, our project would go haywire. After doing this project, I feel that I am capable of doing more mathematics problem sums like so.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 1:00 AM 1 comments