Friday, March 13, 2009

previous posts

3 things i've learnt is to work well w/ my peers,cooperate w/ my peers and talking is not neccessary to communicate2 things I can apply, Do my work quietly and communicate better w/ my peers.1 thing, I should concentrate more with my target.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 3:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009

I learnt what changes when chemicals mixed with each other. Honestly, I enjoy practical lessons because we get to do experiments and its the only time we are in another environment to study in, unlike the classroom. During the experiments, I found it difficult to know what the chemical has changed into because some of the chemicals do not change at all or they take some time to change. I want to learn more about the results of chemical changes because we get to do experiments to find out of so.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 4:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i have learnt quite a lot of thing in maths lesson. In chapter 2.1 I learned to solve algebra question using brackets. At first, I was quite blur but managed to understand after a friend taught me. What I found difficult were the questions that needed to put brackets. I may get a little confused of so. I hope that mr chiang would go slow on questions like that so that I can understand better and not get confused with questions like that. Although algebra is a big topic to study on, I want to learn more on different methods to solve algebra because in that way, if i do not get the right answer I can use another method to help me solve and understand what I am doing.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 4:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009

The maths assignment given last week was rather difficult. My group and I were struggling a little bit with the first question. Finding out what scale to use was the hardest part but we worked it out as a team and finally got the answer. I feel that we worked well as a team and gave each other a helping hand when needed. I think that teamwork is the most important thing we should have when doing a project as a group. Without so, our project would go haywire. After doing this project, I feel that I am capable of doing more mathematics problem sums like so.
Posted by [ ' NaaDiaH '] at 1:00 AM 1 comments

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